My Download - 18 January 2022
Apologies for missing last week - we are very depleted in numbers in Comms and had to make some difficult decisions about priorities - last week media enquiries, the web, Operational Update and Team Brief made the list! Lots to share this week .... including how to access the new web, details about the mileage consultation, an update on the Belper plans and so much more!
Infection prevention & control
Ashbourne poet’s thanks in verse for NHS nurses is unveiled at St Oswald’s Hospital
Virtual ward helps Derbyshire patients stay at home for Christmas and New Year
NHS England Healthier Futures Action Fund
NHS England Healthier Futures Action Fund - applications open now!
TPP173-0069 - MHA Rights form - Presentation of Patients Rights Section 132-132A
TPP173-0069 - MHA Rights form 1 - Presentation of Patients Rights Section 132-132A
L274 - Best Interest Document 3/3: What decision has been made?
L274 - Best Interest Document 3/3: What decision has been made? This booklet covers: • Some things about the Mental Capacity Act (2005) • What a best interest decision means • What decision needed to be made about you • What was thought about to make the decision • What was decided
0165 - IPC Terminal Cleaning Schedule for Outpatient areas during COVID-19 (P69)
0165 - IPC Terminal Cleaning Schedule for Outpatient areas during COVID-19
0260 - Blood pressure information for ESSD patients
0260 - Blood pressure information for ESSD patients
OPAT Elastomeric Infusor Devices Standard Operating Procedure for DCHS Community (S38)
This SOP describes the process for administering an IV antibiotic using an elastomeric infusor device supplied via Derby Teaching Hospital Pharmacy Dept (South) or Chesterfield Royal Hospital Pharmacy Dept (North
Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis Pathway Urgent Treatment Centre (P79) (G95)
G95 - Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis Pathway Urgent Treatment Centre
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Learning from Death’s Policy (P72)
This policy confirms the process to ensure a multi-disciplinary, consistent and coordinated approach for the review of deaths that occur in all DCHS in-patient and community team caseloads. The aim of the learning from deaths process is to identify any areas of practice both specific to the individual case and beyond that could potentially be improved, based upon peer group review. Areas of good practice are also identified and supported. To describe in detail the three-stage mortality review process within the Trust, detailing how reviews should be completed, by whom and when to ensure that learning from deaths is made a Trust priority and leads to developments and improvements in patient care.
L226 – “Working Together” Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Information Leaflet
Patient information leaflet about PPI, Patient and Public Involvement.
Tier 3 Weight Management A4 patient information NS.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management patient information leaflet