Raising concerns the DCHS way

DCHS believe in an open and honest culture and is committed to creating and supporting a culture where members of staff are encouraged and empowered to raise concerns without fear of recrimination or victimisation in any way.

This portal is designed to support you to raise a concern in the most appropriate way.

Our senior leaders, Senior Independent Director and Freedom to Speak Up Guardian tell you all about our way in the videos below, plus we've designed a flowchart to help you identify how you can raise a concern and access sources of advice.

Did you know you can also raise your concern with the Senior Independent Director? The Senior Independent Director (SID) is a DCHS Non-Executive Director who sits on the trust board.

Contact details

E: DCHST.whistleblowing@nhs.net 

Postal address:

Ash Green Learning Disability Centre
Ashgate Road
S42 7JE

If you have a concern about anything there are a number of people you can contact for support.

If you are experiencing any form of bullying or harrassment, please contact the Raising Concerns team on:
E: dchst.ftsu@nhs.net

Other sources of support

People Services (Employee relations team)
E: DCHST.employeerelations@nhs.net
T: 01246 253 077 option 1

Patient experience team
E: DCHST.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net
T: 01773 525 119

Staff governors & forum members

  • Do you want to lead a team where everyone has a voice? Where all staff are heard? and improvements made from concerns, ideas and suggestions?
  • Do you want to lead a team that is seen as a great place to work and where everyone matters?
  • Do you want to develop your skills in supporting your team to achieve this?

Enrol on the Listen Up e-learning module vis ESR  HERE - a short 30 minute session on listening to concerns, the barriers to staff speaking up and how to respond when someone speaks up to you.