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Deprivation of Liberty DoLs Policy (P35)

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 aims to empower people to make decisions themselves wherever possible and sets out the steps which must be taken to promote this. Where a person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision it provides a statutory framework for acting and making decisions on their behalf, and in their best interests (see the DCHS Mental Capacity Act Policy and Appendix 3 Tips on assessing capacity) The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is an addendum to the Mental Capacity Act (2005) that came into force in 2009. It ensures that any Best Interests decision that deprives someone of their Article 5 right to liberty (European Convention of Human Rights) is made according to defined processes and in consultation with specific authorities. It applies where a person needs to be accommodated in a hospital or a care home in order to receive care or treatment for which they cannot consent. The DoLS were introduced to protect an individual’s rights under such circumstances, and ensure that any care or treatment that they receive, including where this involves the use of restraint or restrictions, is proportionate to the risk of harm they would otherwise be at and in their best interests.

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Appendix 1 - Patient Video Consultation Connection (S82)

Patient Video Consultation Connection

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APPENDIX 6 - Disciplinary Investigation - Terms of Reference.docx

HRP24 Appendix 6 - Disciplinary Investigation – Terms of Reference

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SAMA Template 02 AWOL Letter

SAMA Template 02 AWOL Letter

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SAMA Template 18 Capability Hearing meeting invite

Template 18 Capability Hearing Meeting invite letter

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SAMA Template 35 Guidance on Target Setting

Template 35 Guidance on Target Setting

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Undertaking a trial without catheter in a community setting Guideline and protocol (G93)

A trial without catheter (TWOC) is an essential part of the community nurse role. This routine procedure supports patients to remain within their own homes to receive health care. The Royal Marsden Manual Online of Clinical Nursing Procedures (2018) offers nursing guidance for urinary catheter removal but does not provide guidance for staff on how to undertake a TWOC safely at home or in a community hospital. This Guideline and protocol aims to provide evidence based recommendations to enable a trial without catheter to be undertaken in a community hospital or patients own home by a qualified competent practitioner.

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Facial hair and FFP3 respirators

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Standard Operating Procedure for Waiting List Validation (S108)

The purpose of this SOP is to set out the waiting list validation stages and process for staff and managers with services that have waiting lists. Across Planned Care and Specialist Services (PCSS) there are patients on waiting lists. To support the management of these waiting lists it is important to regularly validate those patients who are waiting to be offered an appointment. Services with waiting lists should consider the appropriateness and frequency of undertaking the three stages of waiting list validation, these being: technical, administrative, and clinical.

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Cough Assist (Mechanical Insufflation and Exsufflation)

Cough Assist (Mechanical Insufflation and Exsufflation