Message from Julie Houlder and Tracy Allen, on behalf of the DCHS Trust Board: Ongoing social unrest
How quality makes a difference to you in DCHS
Quick-thinking Gina Cherry helps to save life of man in supermarket
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DCHS operational plan 19-04-22
DCHS Operational Plan 2022-2023 (Board approved) - includes details on our 7 priorities and how we will measure our activity/achievment in these priority areas.
0-5 Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line Clinical SOP (S112)
The aim of the SOP is to ensure that all staff that work clinically in the Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line have consistent process’ and pathways to support consistent care for the population of Derbyshire and partner agencies that access the 0-19 service.
A1 - Hovermatt Brochure (S78)
Hovermatt Brochure
A6 – Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care (S107)
Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care
DCHS Clinical strategy on a page/summary
SAMA Template 12 Employee Wellbeing Meeting outcome
Template 12 Employee Wellbeing Meeting Outcome Letter
SAMA Template 27 Dismissal letter
Template 27 Dismissal letter - long term sick
Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
DCHS Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024
Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP (S30)
S30 - Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP
Delegation of Administration of Insulin to Adults in Residential Care Policy (P100)
There are a growing number of people who, because of disability, increasing age or infirmity, are unable to administer their own insulin and will need support. This guideline aims to promote standardisation and safety of insulin administration supported by Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS NHS FT). It underpins the guidance set out by governing bodies and organisations within the Acknowledgement of this policy