Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a augue nisi. Integer sed lectus vel lorem sagittis blandit ut eu leo. Quisque nec elit massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin imperdiet sollicitudin risus, ut ornare nulla finibus nec. Aliquam sagittis turpis vulputate, lobortis mi vehicula, ultrices magna. Mauris augue augue, viverra in volutpat quis, imperdiet nec est. Ut in turpis ex. Pellentesque semper interdum aliquam. Cras consectetur mi tellus, eu tincidunt erat tincidunt in.
The healing power of art – an exhibition to get people talking about mental health
Quality and safe care champions
Whitworth Hospital
Baby Loss Awareness Week
L172 - North Derbyshire Specialist Learning Disability Service
North Derbyshire learning disability services patient information leaflet.
SOP for Staff Notebooks and the Non-Use of Paper Diaries
Standard Operating Procedure for staff notebooks and non-use of paper diaries
Bunion Silvers Bunionectomy (L27)
Bunion Silvers Bunionectomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
DCHS QI Tools- SWOT.pptx
Completion of agency checks within the 0-19 Children’s Service Guidelines (G249)
The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that health visitors and school nurses clearly understand their roles and responsibilities when they are asked to complete an agency check. This includes ensuring that the relevant consent to share information has been obtained from parents/ those with parental responsibility for the child/ young person ( this should be obtained by social care). The guidance also clearly outlines the process for admin staff to follow to ensure that any requests are sent to the clinical teams and that in turn the clinical teams can respond in a timely manner.
Appendix 2 - Exercise Programme Handbook
Exercise Programme Handbook
Leadership - Useful links (v1).docx
Links to various support and information available to new/existing leaders from a variety of sources.
Opportunistic Maggots Guidance (G274)
Every year during the hot weather we experience an increase in patients with opportunistic maggots in the community. This guidance is to aid assessment and management of these patients.
Disclosure Ref 2024107 - LLP Wholly Owned Subsidiary PFI.pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding LLP Wholly Owned Subsidiary PFI
Disclosure Ref 202441 - Physical assaults against hospital staff.pdf
Freedom of Information Disclosure Ref 202441 relating to Physical assaults against hospital staff