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Prevention and Management Pressure Ulcer Policy (P36)

This policy outlines the Trust’s approach for the prevention of pressure ulcers in people under the care of DCHS clinicians. It encompasses the appropriate management for the prevention of pressure ulcers as well as the management of patients with ulcers already present. This policy and the supporting guidelines place an emphasis on a collaborative integrated multidisciplinary, multiagency approach to identifying risk factors and the implementation of appropriate preventative and/or treatment measures in a timely manner.

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Covid-19 Contact Guidance V10

Covid-19 Contact Guidance v10

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Coroners Flow Chart on Management of Suspected Confirmed COVID-19 Deceased.pdf

DCHS Coroners flowchart on the management of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases

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DCHS Appraisal Business Development Plan

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Derbyshire Shared Care Record - Newsletter March 2022 v2

Derbyshire Shared Care Record - Newsletter March 2022, includes information on training for staff

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L8 - Fusion of Midfoot Joints - Midfoot Arthritis (with or without Bone Graft)

L8 - Fusion of Midfoot Joints - Midfoot Arthritis (with or without Bone Graft). Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.

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Logajob instructions - includes how to find it and how to use it v3 or updated Oct 2022

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0517 - Adult Continence Advisory Referral Form

DCHS Continence service online referral form - clinicians

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A1b - S1 SOP - Actioning Electronic S1 Referral in Single Point of Access (SPoA) (P91)

A1b - S1 SOP - Actioning Electronic S1 Referral in Single Point of Access (SPoA)

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HW&I Plan.pdf

DCHS Health, wellbeing & inclusion plan on a page 2021/2022