Introducing Hollieguard for lone workers
Staff networks for equality diversity and inclusion
The LGBT+ staff network, BAME staff network, disability and long term conditions DLTC staff network and armed forces staff network
Public invited to NHS health meeting in South Normanton
A message from the Royal Voluntary Service
We are writing to you because you have previously referred people to the NHS Volunteer Responders (NHSVR) programme, to tell you about changes to the support available from our volunteers.
PC&SS Plan.pdf
DCHS Planned Care & Specialist Services 2021/2022
HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy
HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.
L206 - Air Pollution
L206 - Air Pollution - a Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis Policy (P8)
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is a leading cause of avoidable death in the UK. It is estimated that VTE causes in excess of 25,000 potentially preventable deaths per annum in UK hospitals – five times the estimated number of deaths each year from hospital-acquired infection. In the UK as a whole this figure is approximately 60,000 preventable deaths each year (DH, 2007). The implementation of evidence based guidelines first published by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2010 focussing on the prevention of VTE in hospitalised patients has been afforded a high priority by the Department of Health and commissioners. VTE risk assessment is a former national CQUIN indicator and is a National Quality Requirement in the NHS Standard Contract for 2019/20 (NHSE, 2019). It sets a threshold rate of 95% of adult inpatients being risk assessed for VTE on admission each month. This policy and the accompanying clinical documentation will enable clinicians to reduce mortality and morbidity associated with this VTE through screening patients admitted for day surgery or inpatient care and those attending Minor Injury Unit / Urgent Treatment Centres, educating patients and carers about preventative measures, initiating prophylactic treatment and recognising signs of VTE development.
Electronic Clinical Record Keeping Guidelines (G333)
All record keeping, using whatever medium should take account of the need to maintain communication between the multi-professional health care team providing care/treatment for the patient/client. All staff should ensure the correct record is opening by checking three patient identifiers: • The patients name; • Date of birth • And, NHS number/unique patient ID prior to opening the electronic record The following applies to electronic record keeping: The principle of confidentiality is equally important when electronic clinical records are being used, including those sent by email, and should comply with the Trust’s code of confidentiality, e-mail policy and information governance policy. Registered clinical staff are professionally responsible for making sure that whatever system they use it is fully secured and managed in such a way that confidentiality is maintained.
Non-Medical Prescribing Policy (P57)
This policy has been developed to support local implementation of non-medical prescribing in Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) to ensure all qualified Non-medical Prescribers (NMPs) and their managers are aware of their accountability and responsibility in relation to prescribing
Clinical Supervision and Reflection on Clinical Practice Policy (P45)
Clinical Supervision (sometimes known as Reflective Practice or Reflection on Practice) has been defined as a regular protected time for facilitated, in depth reflection on clinical practice. It aims to enable the supervisee to achieve, sustain and creatively develop a high quality of practice through the means of focused support and development (Bond and Holland1998). Clinical Supervision is a structured, formal process through which staff can continually improve their clinical practice, develop professional skills, recognise good practice, maintain and safeguard standards of practice. Clinical Supervision can be conducted in groups or on a one-to-one basis. For group supervision the recommended size of the group is around four. Research suggests that to achieve quality and effective reflection and deep learning Clinical Supervisees should receive supervision from a supervisor who is not their manager (see “What Clinical Supervision is and is Not” DCHS Clinical Supervision Webpage.) The aim of this policy is to provide guidance to support managers wishing to set up or update existing systems of Clinical Supervision /Reflection on Practice and provide staff with information on how they can access clinical supervision/reflection on practice.
DCHS WDES Improvement Action Plan 2021.pdf
DCHS WDES Improvement Action Plan 2021
Keeping Everyone Safe.pdf
Keeping Everyone Safe
Compression Hosiery Formulary Guideline (G214)
The aim of this document is to help health care practitioners to make an informed decision with the patient when managing limb conditions