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The terrible tragedy currently engulfing Ukraine is at the forefront of so many of our minds right now and our thoughts are firmly with the Ukrainian people and their friends and family members around the globe.


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Derbyshire Children’s Continence Service Level 2 policy (P91)

The policy will work in conjunction with NICE guidance for constipation and nocturnal enuresis (NICE 2010a 2010b). This guideline is to provide direction and guidance to staff; however, deviation is dependent on professional judgement. This guidance aims to support the Derbyshire Children’s Continence Service Level 2 in delivering a continence service within localities. This guide will ensure standardised practice to support reducing inequalities of service across Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT, Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT and Derbyshire Healthcare NHS FT.

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In Hospital ALS.pdf

DCHS in hospital ALS guidance

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Risk Management Policy

The aim of this document is to provide clear and accurate direction & guidance to risk management for all staff within Derbyshire Community Health Service NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS). Risk management is the recognition and effective administration of all threats that may negatively impact upon values, standards & reputation of DCHS thus preventing planned objectives that in turn may preclude the Trust in its delivery of high quality statutory responsibilities. Risk management also includes positive exploitation of any opportunity that may present during threat analysis or mitigation. The purpose of this policy is to evidence the importance of risk management to DCHS, maintain a consistent approach to effective risk management, ensure accurate & effective systems and processes are firmly in place to support all staff in the management of corporate and operational risks across the organisation. Provide a single point of reference for information pertaining to all contributing facets, platforms, staff & agencies involved in the management of risk throughout all areas of service provision. DCHS’ risk Management policy seeks to mitigate risks that may threaten delivery of planned strategic objectives and put in place measured controls to manage such risks to as low as reasonably practicable.

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HRP53 eRostering Policy

HRP 53 eRostering policy. purpose of the Rostering Policy is to ensure that service users’ safety is the primary objective of all Trust rosters. The purpose of this policy is to ensure all rosters have the staffing level and skill mix required for the safe and appropriate care of service users, which is available at all times. v1 May 2022

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Living with COVID (June 2022)

Living with COVID June 22 - v 3 Updated guidance on IP&C, mask wearing and general behaviours expected of staff, patients and visitors .

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Domestic Abuse - Childrens 0-19 Services Policy (P14)

This policy gives clear guidance on the standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors and School Nurses) and other members of the 0-19 team when undertaking routine enquiry, managing disclosures of domestic abuse, responding to domestic abuse notifications, and supporting families experiencing the impact of domestic abuse. This document supports a commitment to evidence based practice across 0-19 children’s services.

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Mental Health Act 1983 - Section 5(2) Doctors 72 Hour Holding Power Policy and Procedure (P105)

This policy provides guidance on the use of Section 5(2), doctors holding power and should be followed by the relevant doctors and approved clinicians working in Trust in-patient areas.

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Taking Off PPE

Taking Off Personal Protective Equipment

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PC&SS Plan.pdf

DCHS Planned Care & Specialist Services 2021/2022

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HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy

HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.