Whitworth Hospital
Meet your LGBT+ advocates
Windrush day - 22 June
My Download - 18 January 2022
Apologies for missing last week - we are very depleted in numbers in Comms and had to make some difficult decisions about priorities - last week media enquiries, the web, Operational Update and Team Brief made the list! Lots to share this week .... including how to access the new web, details about the mileage consultation, an update on the Belper plans and so much more!
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
5-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Primary Care & Self Care - SHOULDER.pdf
Decision Making Tool Primary Care and Self Care - Shoulder
An introduction to leadership in DCHS
An introduction to leadership in DCHS. A useful guide for aspiring and new leaders. Equally useful to those new to the trust and new to leadership in the trust.
Appendix 10 - Adult Safeguarding Supervision Case Discussion One to One-Group (P15)
Appendix 10 - Adult Safeguarding Supervision Case Discussion One to One-Group (P15)
SOP 7 Non-Vacuumed Bench Top Steriliser (P16)
SOP 7 Non-Vacuumed Bench Top Steriliser (P16)
Panton Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) Staphylococcus Aureus (G285)
G285 - Panton Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) Staphylococcus Aureus (Section 6.8 in P69)
L5 - Crossover Toe Deformity Digital Amputation
L5 - Crossover Toe Deformity Digital Amputation. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Appendix 8: To swab or not swab
Appendix 8: To swab or not swab, information for clinicians Section 5.28 Covid IP&C Policy
L302 - My Respiratory Action Plan
L302 - My Respiratory Action Plan
SPA DCC Calculator v2.0
SPA DCC Calculator v2.0