28th June 2022

About the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB is the NHS organisation with responsibility for planning to meet local health needs, allocating resources, ensuring that the services are in place to deliver against ambitions, and overseeing delivery of improved outcomes for their population.

Staff from NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG and the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Core Team, currently hosted by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, will transfer to the new NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB on 1 July 2022.

The inaugural meeting of the ICB takes place on Friday, July 1 to formally agree and sign the constitution for the ICB, at which point the CCG will be dissolved. 

About Joined Up Care Derbyshire

JUCD is the body responsible for co-ordinating health and social care across Derby and Derbyshire. It is one of 42 Integrated Care Systems across England, and brings together NHS bodies, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations to deliver better care for our whole community.

Integrated Care Systems have four main functions:

  • improving outcomes in population health and healthcare;
  • tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access;
  • enhancing productivity and value for money;
  • supporting broader social and economic development.

In Derby and Derbyshire, our health and care system has worked in partnership for many years; the duties the Health and Care Bill places on the local NHS and local authorities are welcomed and fit well with the direction we have been taking to improve the health of the local population. Having an Integrated Care System which is now established in law, with a new organisation that reflects the collaborative approach required, is very helpful to what we are aiming to achieve.

JUCD is the public facing brand of our partnership but is not a statutory organisation and will not directly employ anybody. The new JUCD brand incorporates an iconic image of Glossop to reflect the boundary change and to welcome Glossop into the Derbyshire system.

About the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)

The ICP is a group which brings together NHS, social care, and independent and third sector providers to agree the strategy and direction for the Integrated Care System as a whole. The membership of the ICP includes all providers of health and social care including borough and district councils plus the voluntary and community sector and both Healthwatches. The ICP is not a separate organisation and it does not directly employ anyone. The main function of the ICP is to use regular, programmed meetings to develop the system strategy and ensure that delivery by all system partners is kept on track through their respective strategic actions and operational responsibilities.