Podcast guests wanted!
World Arthritis Day - 12 October 22
The theme this year is - 'It's in your hands, take action'. It aims to encourage people with arthritis, their caregivers, families, and the general public to avail every opportunity to take action to improve their lifestyle.
Two major health and care recruitment events in March
My Download - 22 November 2021
Weekly e-news from DCHS for all staff
Deployment of Approved Clinicians Policy (P98)
The policy aims to provide clear guidance on the training, role, retention, deployment and support of multidisciplinary Approved Clinicians. • ensure that the hospital mangers have an policy and protocols for appropriate deployment of Approved Clinicians • ensure that DCHS is able to ensure patients access high quality care in line with appropriate legal frameworks such as the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. • ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 and subsequent Code of Practice 2015. • ensure robust governance arrangements that are transparent in their nature. • support the Trusts ambition of providing patients with a suitably skilled Approved Clinician to progress care according to the guiding prinicples of the MHA . • ensure the specific needs of all patients are met in a fair and equitable way.
Band 3 Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Assistant Speech and Language Therapy Service SOP – Children’s Community Service (S121)
The aim of this SOP is to outline the processes involved in identifying and managing children referred to the Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Assistant (SLTA).
Appendix 3 - Wound Clinic Referral Management Process (S82)
Wound Clinic Referral Management Process
Issuing Pre-Labelled Medicine Packs SOP (S46)
S46 - Issuing Pre-Labelled Medicine Packs SOP
L159 - Coping with Cancer
L159 - Coping with Cancer, is a patient information leaflet to help patients make sense of some of the changes and the feelings that they may experience.
L126 - Psychology Support Service for people affected by cancer
Patient information leaflet describing the Psychology Support Service for people affected by cancer.
Management of Under Nutrition in Adults (G43)
The aim of the guidelines is to ensure effective patient centred oral nutrition support in Derbyshire by promoting a fortified diet and appropriate, effective ONS prescribing.
Tissue Viability and Prosthetic Joint Infection Trigger Tool Guidelines (G54)
This trigger tool has been developed as part of Derbyshire Community Health Services’ commitment to improve patient care and health outcomes through the delivery of evidence based best practice.
Prevention and Management Pressure Ulcer Policy (P36)
This policy outlines the Trust’s approach for the prevention of pressure ulcers in people under the care of DCHS clinicians. It encompasses the appropriate management for the prevention of pressure ulcers as well as the management of patients with ulcers already present. This policy and the supporting guidelines place an emphasis on a collaborative integrated multidisciplinary, multiagency approach to identifying risk factors and the implementation of appropriate preventative and/or treatment measures in a timely manner.
Covid-19 Contact Guidance V10
Covid-19 Contact Guidance v10