30th October 2023

October has been AAC Awareness Month

What is AAC?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) covers a huge range of techniques that support or replace spoken communication. These include gestures, signing, symbols, word boards, communication boards and books, as well as Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs). If you are working with someone who uses AAC to support their communication, details on AAC in general as well as “having a conversation with an AAC user” have been put together by AAC users themselves here: What is AAC? - Communication Matters

AAC Awareness Month was started in 2007 to spread the word about AAC and the many different ways people communicate. The theme this year is ‘Say what? Sharing your most memorable moments with AAC’  Please take a moment to search for this year’s hashtag #AACaware23 on social media and see all the wonderful information that has been shared.

You can follow Beth Moulam, who is living with celebral palsy, speech and heading impairments and using AAC, on X. Beth has been sharing her “A-Z of AAC” this month, with Y being for “you” and ensuring that AAC users are central to their decision making: Click here for more information..