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A2a – Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service (S107)

Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service

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SAMA Template 04 Reporting Recording Monitoring Absence Flow Chart

Template 04 - Reporting, Recording and Monitoring Absence Flowchart

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SAMA Template 19 Dismissal letter

Template 19 Dismissal letter - capability

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SAMA Template 36 Ill Health Retirement Process Flow Chart

Template 36 Ill-Health Retirement Process Flow Chart

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Covert Administration of Medicines Policy (P59)

The policy applies to patients who are being treated by Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust (DCHSFT) inpatient wards, units and pathway 2 care home beds where DCHS employed staff have medical accountability for residents. DCHSFT recognises and respects the autonomy of individuals who receive treatment. However there are times when severely incapacitated individuals in our care can neither consent nor refuse treatment and the use of covert medications may need to be considered. This policy applies to the administration of medicines for a physical disorder or a mental disorder under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and to medication for a mental disorder administered under Part 4 and Part 4A of the Mental Health Act 1983. Treatment of a physical condition can only be given under the Mental Health Act Part 4 if the condition is a symptom or manifestation of the mental disorder.

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A9 Management of Diabetic Patients on Insulin on Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes (S109)

Procedure for how to manage diabetic patients on Insulin on Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes

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Adult Nutrition Food and Hydration Policy (P50)

This policy aims to improve the nutrition and hydration of all adult patients cared for by staff working throughout Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHSNHSFT) including those with special/therapeutic dietary requirements. It explains how patients who are at nutritional risk can be identified, how nutritional status may be improved, what support there is from members of the multidisciplinary team and how support and training can be accessed. The major challenge for community hospitals and staff working within the community will be meeting the nutritional requirements of patients who are nutritionally vulnerable; hence much of this policy is based around nutrition support. By achieving the care in the Policy, it will allow the Trust to meet a number of voluntary and mandatory standards including the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation 14: Meeting nutrition and hydration needs (2015), The Hospital Food Standards Panel’s report on standards for food and drink in NHS Hospitals (2014), NICE - Nutrition support in adults. Quality standard 24 (2012) and the British Association of UK Dieticians (BDA) – The Nutrition and Hydration Digest: Improving Outcomes through Food and Beverages Services 2nd Edition (2017) Whilst this Policy focuses primarily on nutrition, as an important nutrient, water cannot be overlooked. Detailed information on assessing and maintaining patients hydration needs can be found in the Appendix

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Manual Handling Operating Standards January 2022

Manual Handling Operating Standards January 2022, includes TILEO

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Active Stand Standard Operating Procedure (S105)

To ensure that all staff are aware of the correct procedures when performing an active stand test. To ensure the protocol is standardised and staff are following safe working practices.

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A4 - Nail Surgery Post Operative Advice Sheet (S72)

Nail Surgery Post Operative Advice Sheet