11th April 2022

Introducing KnowledgeShare

What is a health innovation?

Health innovation is to develop new or improved health policies, systems, products and technologies, and services and delivery methods that improve people's health, with a special focus on the needs of vulnerable populations. (WHO, 2022)

Keeping up to date with the latest quality evidence published in your field of interest can contribute to innovative ideas for practice.

How can your Library Service support you?

We provide KnowledgeShare updates: regular emails with the latest, emerging research.  Register at https://www.dchslibrary.co.uk/knowledge-share

What it is?

KnowledgeShare is an online web-based current awareness system.

How does it work?

Your KnowledgeShare profile is created to be as broad or as specific as you need. For example, you could choose to have everything published on obstetrics or limited to items related to gestational diabetes. You also decide whether to receive emails daily/weekly/fortnightly/monthly, whichever suits you.

You can find out more and register for a KnowledgeShare account here:
