Let’s Chat 2023 campaign launch – don’t miss your chance to get involved
National Inclusion Week 2022
"Think which service" this winter, urge health leaders
The terrible tragedy currently engulfing Ukraine is at the forefront of so many of our minds right now and our thoughts are firmly with the Ukrainian people and their friends and family members around the globe.
Metal shell of new NHS facility in Chesterfield takes shape ahead of installation
Disclosure Ref 2022108 - Digital communications with patients.pdf
FOI Disclosure
APPENDIX 4 Application for Adoption Leave and Pay Form.docx
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Focus on the Future
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Focus on the Future
Managing NICE Guidance on AMaT.pdf
SOP for Staff Notebooks and the non-use of paper diaries.pdf
DCHS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR STAFF Notebooks and the non-use of paper diaries
DCHS Payroll at a glance (1).docx
HR23 Formal Notification of Return Date from Adoption Leave.doc
Be ALERT a Needlestick hurts - email signature
Disclosure Ref 2022103 - Interpretation services provided & cost.pdf
FOI Disclosure