How quality makes a difference to you in DCHS
Freedom to speak up animations
We have developed a series of animations based on issues staff have raised a concern about in DCHS. We hope they help you make your decision about whether you should raise a concern.
Research and Innovation
Our vision is to increase capacity, capability and participation in research and innovation as we embed a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation.
Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service
The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.
Seeking urgent clinical treatment - guidance on NHS 111 and urgent treatment centres
A guide on how to access the help you need for new onset illnesses or injuries for which you are seeking urgent help or advice.
L277 - Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
L277 - Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Warning Card
L286 - Food textures that pose a risk of choking
Food textures that pose a risk of choking leaflet.
Disclosure Ref 2024231 - Carbon reduction contract and spend.pdf
Freedom of information disclosure regarding carbon reduction, Digital Strategy & printers
Records Management Policy.docx
DCHS Records Management Policy
Information Governance - Newsletter Feb 2023.docx
Information Governance Newsletter February 2023
TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale
TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale for Patients with Cognitive Impairment
SOP for the Archiving of Records.docx
Archiving of records
Continence Care - Information for patients or carers (L269)
Continence care patient information leaflet provided during consultations about bladder or bowel problems. General advice for patients and carers, from the Continence Advisory Service.
Disclosure Ref 2024173 - Staff details for People & organisational development, finance and Exec board .pdf
Staff details for People & organisational development, finance and Exec board as at time of disclosure (2024)
Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details fro Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 2024217 - Staff details for Chief Information Officer, Head of Patient Experience & PALs as at time of disclosure (2024)