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L337 - What is the Diabetes Psychology service

Living with diabetes is hard. Coping with a new diagnosis, symptoms, treatments, appointments, and worries about the future can feel like a big burden. Around one in three people may have psychological concerns about their diabetes at any one time. Diabetes Psychology supports people living with Diabetes who have complex needs. Usually, sessions are one-to-one. They last 45 minutes, once a week, for between 1 and 12 weeks

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Patient Access and Safe Waiting Policy (P108)

This policy provides guidance for staff to ensure all patients who require access to all clinical services provided by Derbyshire Community Health Services are managed consistently, according to national and local frameworks and definitions. This policy describes the structure of the access route for patients and generic rules which apply across all Divisions across the Trust as well as actions that should be taken to ensure patients are kept safe while they wait. Successful implementation of this policy will also provide assurance that the Trust understands the risks that waiting for treatment can pose to patients and is taking steps to mitigate against these risks.

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Disclosure Ref 2024198 - Hysteroscopies performed.pdf

FOI Disclosure Ref 2024198 relating to Hysteroscopies performed

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Disclosure Ref 202524 - Clinical risk vs. patient data.pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding CQC inspection and/or Trust risk register actions relating to patient data and recorded risks relating to the availability of patient data including Datix Incidents the Trust record in Financial Years 2022/23 and 2023/24

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Disclosure Ref 202540 - Hospital admissions following use of weight loss jabs.pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding hospital admissions following use of weight loss jabs

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RC online presentation .pdf

Raising concerns online presentation

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NHS England - Compassionate conversations: hints and tips

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DCHS Constitution

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Outpatient physio FAQs Jan 2022.pdf

DCHS outpatient physio FAQs Jan 2022

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DSE Operating Standards Updated Jan 22.doc

DSE Operating Standards Updated Jan 22