3rd February 2023

The first meeting in public of a new heath and care partnership will take place in Derby next week (Wednesday 8th February 2023) and will agree on the three areas for focus as the partnership starts its work in earnest.  The Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Partnership brings together NHS, local authorities, the voluntary sector and others to agree the strategy and direction for the Joined Up Care Derbyshire Integrated Care System (ICS).

Established by law in England in July 2022, the purpose of ICSs is to bring partner organisations together to:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
  • Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access
  • Enhance productivity and value for money
  • Help the NHS support broader social and economic development.

The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) has met in shadow form since February 2022 to develop its role and membership, as well as to seek agreement on how decisions will be made.  This has included understanding the relationship required between the ICP and local Health and Wellbeing Boards, which are also bodies set out in law.  The first meeting in public of the ICP will agree the three priorities that will be tackled to initially test these new arrangements.

Councillor Carol Hart, Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Health and Communities and Joint Chair of the ICP, said:

"Collaborating as ICSs will help health and care organisations tackle complex challenges, including improving the health of children and young people, supporting people to stay well and independent, recognising a move to strengths-based care and prevention that reduce the need for treatment, and improving connectivity to ensure people experience joined up care."

Councillor Roy Webb, Derby City Council Cabinet Member for Adults Health and Housing, and Joint Chair of the ICP, said:

"Relationships between public sector partners in Derby and Derbyshire are historically strong and we must capitalise on this for the benefit of our citizens. We know that the health of our population is not only sustained through the services provided by the NHS, but through the impact of many other things on their lives.  These range from the start they get in life, their education, their housing, and the environment in which they live. No single agency is responsible for all of these things, so we have to work in partnership to maximise our impact and provide the best value and support for our population."

John MacDonald, Chair of NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, and ICP Vice Chair, said:

"Working together across Derby and Derbyshire to focus on preventing ill health, reducing inequalities and providing integrated care provides a real opportunity to support and benefit the people of Derby and Derbyshire. Partners including the NHS, local authorities, the voluntary sector, the independent sector and others will work closely with communities to develop priorities and shape the way services are provided whilst seeking to adopt and adapt best practice from across the UK and internationally.”

The meeting is hosted by Derby City Council and will take place in the Council Chamber at the Council House on Corporation Street in Derby at 1:30pm.  Meetings of the Integrated Care Partnership will take place every two months, with agendas and meeting papers available seven days in advance on Derby City Council's Democracy Portal.  Members of the public can attend in person or view the meeting online via the Derby City Council YouTube Channel.  Agenda items include:

  • Draft Integrated Care Strategy
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service Strategy
  • Review of Section 75 Agreements
  • Clinical and Professional Leadership Developments
  • Report from Derby and Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Boards
  • Report from Integrated Care Board
