All things Platinum Jubilee!
My Download - 13 December 2021
Your weekly new update from DCHS
A behind-the-scenes peep at progress on Bakewell’s new Newholme Health Centre, June 2024
Guidelines for the Recognition and Management of Infected Wounds (G29)
A framework to enable health care practitioners to deliver best practice in wound care, specifically by providing a tool to be utilised to aid the recognition and management of infected wounds
Disconnection of Continuous Infusional Chemotherapy from a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) in the Community SOP (S65)
The aim of this SOP is to provide guidance for staff in the clinical procedure of the disconnection of continuous infusion chemotherapy from a CVAD within a DCHS setting across adult services. This SOP is intended to reduce the level of risks associated with this procedure.
Prevention and Management Pressure Ulcer Policy (P36)
This policy outlines the Trust’s approach for the prevention of pressure ulcers in people under the care of DCHS clinicians. It encompasses the appropriate management for the prevention of pressure ulcers as well as the management of patients with ulcers already present. This policy and the supporting guidelines place an emphasis on a collaborative integrated multidisciplinary, multiagency approach to identifying risk factors and the implementation of appropriate preventative and/or treatment measures in a timely manner.
Derbyshire Children’s Continence Service Level 2 policy (P91)
The policy will work in conjunction with NICE guidance for constipation and nocturnal enuresis (NICE 2010a 2010b). This guideline is to provide direction and guidance to staff; however, deviation is dependent on professional judgement. This guidance aims to support the Derbyshire Children’s Continence Service Level 2 in delivering a continence service within localities. This guide will ensure standardised practice to support reducing inequalities of service across Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS FT, Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT and Derbyshire Healthcare NHS FT.
Compression Hosiery Formulary Guideline (G214)
The aim of this document is to help health care practitioners to make an informed decision with the patient when managing limb conditions
Payslip guide
DCHS payslip guide October 2022
Mobile Working Guide Therapy Run Through.pdf
A guide for Therapy staff to use Mobile Working
Disclosure Ref 2022123 - SIM cards & mobile networks.pdf
Response to FOI regarding Sims and Mobile phones used and providers
Guidelines for Locality Managers and 0-19 Clinicians following notification of a child death (G318)
The aim of this document is to provide guidance for 0-19 clinical staff and Locality Managers following notification by the children’s services administration team of the death of a baby, child, or young person.
Disclosure Ref 202424 - Clinical Waste Contracts (1 of 2).pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202424 relating to Clinical Waste Contracts