Flu - make an informed CHOICE this year
Tier 3 Weight Management - Information for Patients
Information for patients about the Tier 3 Weight Management service in Derbyshire.
Turf cutting marks the start on site for £10.5 million new health hub in Bakewell
National Inclusion Week 2022
Research Governance Policy and Research Passport Process
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all research activity which is undertaken by our employees or conducted within our premises conforms to principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research that take account of legal requirements and other standards as set out in the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (November 2017) UK-policy-framework-health-social-care-research
Patient Experience Team leaflet
Patient experience team leaflet, includes information on how to make a complaint and where patients/carers can access support. Updated 2022
Disclosure Ref 2022124 - Staffing systems used.pdf
Response to FOI regarding Staffing systems used
Neonatal Jaundice Guidelines (G267)
This guidance supports health visitors with management of jaundice in infants.
Disclosure Ref 202416 - Cleaning Contract.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202416 relating to Cleaning Contracts
Disclosure Ref 2024190 - Tier 3 weight management .pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 2024190 relating to Tier 3 weight management
Disclosure Ref 202514 - PIFU and virtual wards.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Virtual wards
Disclosure Ref 202535 - Document management systems.pdf
Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding Document management systems
Incident Reporting Policy (P80)
Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) NHS Foundation Trust is committed to ensuring the safety of patients, staff, visitors, and contractors alike. DCHS aspires to provide a Zero Harm environment. The policy considers the recommendations of the Department of Health publications: An Organisation with a Memory, Building a Safer NHS, Doing less Harm and the former National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) publication Building a memory: preventing harm, reducing risks and improving patient safety, Berwick report 2013 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent subsidiary reports. The reporting, management and investigation of adverse incidents are fundamental elements of risk management. Sharing the learning from adverse incidents (including near misses) enables the organisation to implement changes to practice, processes, and systems so that the risk of harm is reduced. In addition to the human costs, if incidents are not properly managed, they may result in a loss of public confidence in the organisation and a loss of assets.
FINAL Chief Executive Designate - Stakeholder Briefing - 11 November 2021.pdf
Dr Chris Clayton appointment; Chief Executive JUCD