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Vaccination programme (flexible staffing and bank) - Employee Online user guide.pdf

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Interim Standard Operating procedure for delivering intravenous (IV) diuretics within a patient’s home (S106)

An Ambulatory Heart Failure (AHF) service has been delivered by DCHS, in partnership with UHDB, on a day case basis at the Royal Derby Hospital site since 2016. Treatment is given using Intravenous (IV) diuretics which can be given daily either following discharge from the acute hospital or referral from the community setting. The development of a Cardiology Virtual Ward has been discussed during 2022 which once implemented will see intravenous diuretics being administered to patients in their own home in addition to the existing AHF service. As an interim step and to support the transition away from hospital and to home delivery along with assisting University Hospitals Derby and Burton (UHDB) with current bed pressures; it has been proposed that one of 3 rooms currently used for AHF on CCU be converted back to a bedroom and a small number of patients receive their treatment at home instead. This will also help assess the process prior to commencing the virtual ward on a larger scale.

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APPENDIX 11 – Investigation Report.docx

HRP24 Appendix 11 – Investigation Report

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A2b - Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service (S107)

Eligibility for NHS Podiatry service

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SAMA Template 05 Keeping in Touch Letter

Template 05 Keeping In Touch Letter

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SAMA Template 21 Longterm absence flowchart

Template 21 Long Term Absence Flowchart

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Sudbury Prison Patients referred to Outpatient Physiotherapy SOP (S69)

When patients from Sudbury Prison are referred from secondary care to Out Patient Physiotherapy, for example post-operative patients, they occasionally require a chaperone. Sudbury prison is a category D prison. Some prisoners will need one officer to accompany them whilst on probation. Prisoners may be able to attend appointments alone in line with prison risk assessment. Prisoners requiring two officers should not be seen in the department as advised by Head of Security at Sudbury Prison

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Standard Operating Procedures for The Community Diabetes Specialist Nursing Team (S86)

Recommended practices that were evidence based and would provide guidance to all members of staff treating patients with Diabetes. This SOP should help to streamline care for patients with Diabetes and allow further integration with the acute team.

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Children’s Services Immunisation Policy 0-19 Years (P2)

The current immunisation schedule has been designed to provide early protection against infections that are most dangerous for the very young. This is particularly important for diseases such as whooping cough, pneumococcal, Hib and meningococcal serogroup C infection. Providing subsequent immunisations and booster doses ensures continued protection against these diseases. Additional vaccinations are offered at specific points throughout the child, young person, and adult’s life to provide protection against infections before they reach an age at which they become at increased risk from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Recommendations for the age at which vaccines should be administered are therefore informed by the age-specific risk for a disease, the risk of disease complications and the ability to respond to the vaccine. The recommended immunisation schedule should therefore be followed as closely as possible. Health Care professionals employed by Derbyshire Community Services Foundation Trust (DCHSFT) have a responsibility to promote the benefits of immunisation in a consistent, clear and evidence based way to parents, carers, and young people. The overarching aim of the policy is to therefore support practitioners to fulfil the requirements of their commissioned role in delivering the national universal childhood immunisation programme, alongside any targeted immunisation schedules safely and competently.

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A2 - Hovermatt User Manual (S78)

Hovermatt User Manual (S78)