Update (21 June 2024): Ripley and Ilkeston Urgent Treatment Centres
Flu – make your informed CHOICE
All the information about this year's flu vaccination programme, Covid booster jabs and winter wellbeing found here!
Diabetes Education Service
If you have type 2 diabetes, attending an education programme is an important part of your treatment plan.
Covid-19 staffing - Call to Arms
Temporary staffing to support the DCHS NHS FT response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Was Not Brought - Did Not Attend - No Access Visit Policy (P88)
The purpose of this document is to outline the responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) staff when parents/carers disengage from health services and there are concerns about the welfare of children and adults in their care. Laming (2003) and learning from serious case reviews and safeguarding adult reviews show that disengagement from healthcare may be partial, intermittent, persistent or terminal in nature. It is widely acknowledged that ‘was not brought’/‘non-attendance’ and avoidance of seeing health staff can be a sign that things are not as they should be within the family and/or person’s life. This may have serious consequences for some children and adults dependent on others to meet their care and support needs. It may also signal potential abuse or neglect. It is imperative that early non engagement with services is identified in order for health practitioners to consider if this is a safeguarding concern that requires a safeguarding referral, safety planning or escalation.
DCHS PSED Report 2019-2020.pdf
DCHS Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2019-2020
Online record access tasks.pdf
What to do if a patient is downloading the Airmid App and cannot view their records
Standard Operating Procedure for Stay Steady Strength And Balance Programme (S102)
To outline the clinical and quality standards of DCHS strength and balance improvement programmes for secondary falls prevention (known as Stay Steady Strength and Balance). In addition, the SOP will provide an audit framework for the continual improvement of programmes being delivered.
Active Stand Standard Operating Procedure (S105)
To ensure that all staff are aware of the correct procedures when performing an active stand test. To ensure the protocol is standardised and staff are following safe working practices.
Mobile Working Setting Up Care Plans PPOC and EKOS.pdf
PPOC and EKOS setting up mobile working care plans
SAMA Template 15 Review outcome extension
Template 15 Review outcome extension letter
Overview of 'New Starter' training requirements (23-24) V1.pdf
Overview of induction training requirements for new starters