14th February 2022

Thank you for all your previous efforts in returning IT equipment but would like to ask that this is an ongoing process. We are currently experiencing issues with delivery timescales therefore leaving us with a shortage of laptops and monitors for new starters to DCHS or business as usual replacements.

We would like to ask the following:

1.    Identify any devices that are currently not being used within your teams, including returns from leavers, students (which were not issued by the student placement team pool) or bank staff. Staff on maternity or long-term sick should also return their device.

2.    Please email DCHST.LaptopRequests@nhs.net (formerly DCHST.ToughbookRequests@nhs.net) and request a collection. We will then arrange to have them collected from a suitable location.

Why are we asking for your help?

  1. New Staff - To enable new employees to receive the equipment they require to start work 
  2. To support current colleagues who urgently need a replacement device
  3. Save money - idle devices cost the trust money; whether the device is in use or not we are paying for the licence and SIM
  4. Protect - idle or unused devices are not up to date with their security patches and pose a risk to the Cyber security of the trust if used.

Please also include any cables or chargers for re-use. ArdenGem can also dispose of out-of-date stock in the correct manner.