Tier 3 Weight Management Service Derbyshire
The Tier 3 Weight Management Service offers a weight management programme to support adults with severe and complex obesity to lose weight across Derby City and Derbyshire County.
Derbyshire health and care system remains under sustained pressure; patients asked to not store up care needs
Baby loss Awareness Week 9 – 15 October
Pension Automatic Re-Enrolment July 2022
Public invited to NHS health meeting in Derby
NHS Trust seeks people with a passion for healthcare to be their community’s voice
Want to build positive and sustainable physical habits? Join our ‘Step up to the challenge'!
Wound Clinic Service
Our wound clinic service was established in 2019 to provide a 7-day per week wound care service for the people of Derbyshire.
Clinical Protocol for the Cleansing of Leg Ulcers (S25)
S25 - Clinical Protocol for the Cleansing of Leg Ulcers
2-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - KNEE.pdf
MSK Decision Making Tool - Knee
Macerator breakdown IP and C guidance (G276)
G276 - Macerator breakdown IP&C guidance (Section 8.2)
L10 - Hallux Rigidus Limitus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Cheilectomy procedure
L10 - Hallux Rigidus Limitus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Cheilectomy procedure. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Response to Retire and Return Request Form.docx
Response to Retire and Return Form
Guidance Checklist to Support Clinicians in determining Fast Track Eligibility (G258)
This guidance has been developed to assist Clinicians to determine whether it is appropriate to complete the Fast Track - Continuing Healthcare Application. The intention of the Fast Track Pathway is that it should identify individuals who need to access NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) quickly, with minimum delay, and with no requirement to complete a CHC Decision Support Tool (DST). Therefore, the completed Fast Track Pathway Tool, with clear reasons why the individual fulfils the criteria, and which clearly evidences that an individual is both rapidly deteriorating and approaching the end of life.
How to Record a Subject Access Request
How to Record a Subject Access Request
L316 - Top infection control tips for staying safe in the community
L316 - Top infection control tips for staying safe in the community
How to start a Task on Triage - Appendix 2 (G323)
How to start a Task on Triage
How to re-submit a rejected requisition - Approver rejected
How to re-submit a rejected requisition - Approver rejected