15th March 2023

We need your help to continue shaping our work on workforce race as well as disability equality and inclusion

We’d welcome your involvement in the engagement sessions to go through our latest data for the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) and the NHS Workforce Disability Standard (WDES) and to develop improvement plans.

WRES data highlights any differences between the experiences and treatment of white and black, Asian and minority ethnic colleagues and WDES data compares workplace and career experiences of colleagues with and without a disability and/or long-term conditions, with a view to closing the gaps highlighted through co-developing, co-implementing and co-evaluating actions for continuous improvements.

If unavailable on any of the advertised dates and times you can still contribute contacting Marian Ogunkoya directly or via the Inclusion and Belonging Team’s inbox: mailto:dchst.equality@nhs.net.