13th April 2023

2023 Multi-Faith Tours in Derby

Colleagues are invited to book a place on one of the multi-faith tours that takes place in Derby, starting at the Open Centre, 152 Pear Tree Road, Derby, DE23 6QD on Thursday 15 June or Monday 2 October

The tour, which starts 9.45am at the Open Centre and finishes at 2.00 pm, features visits to Hindu Temple, Mosque, Sikh Gurdwara and Church in Derby City, with the itinerary as follows:


Overview of Activities/Visits


Arrive at Open Centre


Hindu Temple




Sikh Gurdwara AD 


Baptist Church


Depart from Open Centre

Dress code: Ideally, you should wear trousers, long sleeves and bring a head covering such as a hood on a coat, woolly hat, scarf or cap.  Sensible shoes are also advised due to walking from one place to another.

Key learning outcomes include:

  • Increased knowledge and understanding of culture, traditions, and history of diverse groups within Derby City
  • The opportunity to meet local people and ask questions, identify potential barriers to accessing services and address exclusion and ensure inclusive practice. 

Food from a range of cultures will also be provided as part of the experience.  

To book on, please email dchst.equality@nhs.net.