Update (21 June 2024): Ripley and Ilkeston Urgent Treatment Centres
A9 Irregular Pulse Protocol (S109)
Irregular Pulse Protocol
L309 - Antibiotic Elastomeric Infusor Leaflet for OPAT patients and carers
L309 - Antibiotic Elastomeric Infusor Leaflet for OPAT patients and carers
L314 - Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted
HRP22 Preceptorship Policy.docx
DCHS Preceptorship (Multi-Professional) & Transitionary Policy
0020 - Personal History Profile for OPMH and LD
0020 Personal History Profile for use by OPMH or LD
0051 - Body Chart to Document Injuries on Admission
0051 - Body Chart to Document Injuries on Admission
L267 - Adult Sepsis Safety Net - Signs of Sepsis and what to do
L267 - Adult Sepsis Safety Net - Signs of Sepsis and what to do
Clinical Protocol for the Cleansing of Leg Ulcers (S25)
S25 - Clinical Protocol for the Cleansing of Leg Ulcers
2-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - KNEE.pdf
MSK Decision Making Tool - Knee