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Freedom to speak up animations

We have developed a series of animations based on issues staff have raised a concern about in DCHS. We hope they help you make your decision about whether you should raise a concern.

Industrial Action Update - Issued on 16 January 2023

Ahead of this week’s planned industrial action by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), we’ve developed an in-depth briefing which we hope colleagues will find useful. It also signposts to other helpful sources of information.


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Safeguarding Adults Policy (P28)

The aim of this policy is to support staff to comply with their duties under the Care Act 2014 (sections 42-46) for safeguarding adults and the Derbyshire and Derby Safeguarding Adults Boards Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. The policy sets out the principles and practice of safeguarding adults and the responsibilities of Derbyshire Community Health Services (Trust) staff when caring for an adult (aged 18 years and over) where safeguarding concerns arise. “Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect…people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action” (Care and Support Statutory Guidance 2017:14.7).

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Living with COVID (June 2022)

Living with COVID June 22 - v 3 Updated guidance on IP&C, mask wearing and general behaviours expected of staff, patients and visitors .

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Standard Operating Procedure for seated patient lifting device in community settings following a fall (S96)

This standard operating procedure sets out the process by which clinicians working within Integrated Community Services are able to utilise a seated lifting device (e.g. Mangar Elk or Camel) to support patients who have fallen in their home environment. This will prevent long lies and use of emergency ambulance personnel for retrieval only. The aim of this procedure is to support clinicians to: • Understand the purpose and use of the device • Ensure the response using the device is appropriate. • Ensure clinical documentation is properly completed.

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L285 - Using amoxicillin capsules when liquid medication is unavailable

Advice for parents on administering Amoxicillin Capsules to Children when liquid medication is unavailable.

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0-5 Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line Clinical SOP (S112)

The aim of the SOP is to ensure that all staff that work clinically in the Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line have consistent process’ and pathways to support consistent care for the population of Derbyshire and partner agencies that access the 0-19 service.

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Mental Health Act 1983 Community Treatment Order Policy (P103)

To guide staff on the implementation of a Community Treatment Order (CTO) in accordance with the MHA 1983 and the MHA Code of Practice 2015. To ensure lawful and appropriate use of CTO’s within the Trust and that legal rights of any patient subject to a CTO are upheld at all stages.

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Delivering Same Sex Accommodation (P64)

Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their Privacy and Dignity. There are no exemptions from the need to provide high standards of privacy and dignity and this applies to all areas, including when admission is unplanned. This is one of the guiding principles of the NHS Constitution (2009) and at the core of local NHS visions. Derbyshire Community Health Trust ( DCHS) aim is that all patients who are admitted to any of our hospitals will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex should only happen by exception based on clinical need (for example where patients need specialist equipment), or when patients choose to share (for instance married couple who have been admitted together may want to share a side room). This Policy contributes to the achievement of CQC Outcome 4 – The patient will receive care, treatment and support in single sex accommodation wherever it is available. The aim is to ensure a clear and consistent approach is adopted across DCHS community hospitals by all ward managers.

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The Use of Force, Restraint Reduction and the Management of Violence and Aggression (P58)

The policy provides a framework for support staff who work across Learning Disability Services (LD) and Older Peoples Mental Health Services (OPMH), in responding to situations that they face with regards to Behaviours that Challenge and in particular, violence and aggression (both where they can plan and where an incident in unforeseen).

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L223 - Managing Breathlessness Leaflet

L223 - Managing Breathlessness. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet leaflet.

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Guidelines for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment - Adapted Waterlow Score (G89)

The purpose of this Standard Operation Procedure is to set out the process to be followed to ensure a consistent approach is followed for the assessment of patient’s risks of developing pressure ulcers.