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Health Psychology for Professionals

The information here is for professionals in Derbyshire seeking more information on the Health Psychology service.


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Blood Pressure Measurements Guidance (G26)

The aim/purpose of these guidelines is to provide all clinical staff who undertake blood pressure measurements with a guide on how to select the right device and correctly undertake and document blood pressure measurements.

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Local Decontamination Of Reusable Medical Devices-Dental and Podiatry Services (P16)

The aim of this policy is to detail the practices and principles for the local decontamination of reusable medical devices, with reference to podiatric services.

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Adult Nutrition Food and Hydration Policy (P50)

This policy aims to improve the nutrition and hydration of all adult patients cared for by staff working throughout Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHSNHSFT) including those with special/therapeutic dietary requirements. It explains how patients who are at nutritional risk can be identified, how nutritional status may be improved, what support there is from members of the multidisciplinary team and how support and training can be accessed. The major challenge for community hospitals and staff working within the community will be meeting the nutritional requirements of patients who are nutritionally vulnerable; hence much of this policy is based around nutrition support. By achieving the care in the Policy, it will allow the Trust to meet a number of voluntary and mandatory standards including the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation 14: Meeting nutrition and hydration needs (2015), The Hospital Food Standards Panel’s report on standards for food and drink in NHS Hospitals (2014), NICE - Nutrition support in adults. Quality standard 24 (2012) and the British Association of UK Dieticians (BDA) – The Nutrition and Hydration Digest: Improving Outcomes through Food and Beverages Services 2nd Edition (2017) Whilst this Policy focuses primarily on nutrition, as an important nutrient, water cannot be overlooked. Detailed information on assessing and maintaining patients hydration needs can be found in the Appendix

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DCHS October 2021 Public Board meeting agenda and papers

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Managers Informal Conversation Guide (DCHS) V2_.pdf

Managers Informal Conversation Guide Mandatory staff Covid-19 vaccinations (DCHS) V2 (with updated links)

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Advance Decisions Policy

It is a general principle of law and medical practice that adults have a right to consent to or refuse treatment. The courts have recognised that adults have the right to say in advance that they want to refuse treatment if they lose capacity in the future, even if this results in their death. A valid and applicable advance decision to refuse treatment has the same force as a contemporaneous decision. This has been a fundamental principle of the common law for many years and is now set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which came into force in 2007 supported by the Code of Practice to the Act. Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust aims to achieve a more balanced partnership between patients and healthcare professionals and acknowledges that it is the right of every adult patient with capacity to determine whether or not to accept medical treatment. In addition, it is the right of every adult patient to express views about their future care and treatment. The primary responsibility lies with the patient (the maker) to write an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT). The Trust endorses the good practice of staff, set out in national guidance and professional standards to provide information to and general support for patients who wish to write an ADRT. The Trust always encourages patients who wish to discuss their plans for future care and will provide advice to patients and support to advance care planning by helping to coordinate care and communicate plans. In addition, it is supportive of those patients who present with an advance decision and where this is valid and applicable, comply with that specific decision. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Trust’s Consent Policy and aims to raise awareness and give guidance to staff about advance decisions.

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Recognition of the Deteriorating Child Policy (P93)

The aim of this policy is to set the minimum standard and frequency for monitoring and recording Child patients’ vital signs in their own home, Urgent Treatment Centres and Outpatient Podiatric Surgery. The mismanagement of deterioration is a common area of systemic failure in avoidable patient death across the NHS and poor communication is a leading cause of adverse events in healthcare. The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS) offers a common language to describe and communicate a child’s acute illness severity by all healthcare professionals in all settings and is central to establishing a national pathway for improving the management of deterioration and sepsis.

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Use of Clamshell Vaccine Bags by Community Nursing Teams (S99)

DCHS staff support the annual Influenza vaccination campaign and other vaccination programs by vaccinating some patients on behalf of GP practices. Vaccines are stocked in the GP practices and administered in the patients’ own homes (including care homes), which means they need to be transported between locations. DCHS staff have been provided with Clamshell Vaccine Bags for this purpose. This Standard Operating Procedure provides information to DCHS staff on the use of Clamshell Vaccine Bags.

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Children’s Services Immunisation Policy 0-19 Years (P2)

The current immunisation schedule has been designed to provide early protection against infections that are most dangerous for the very young. This is particularly important for diseases such as whooping cough, pneumococcal, Hib and meningococcal serogroup C infection. Providing subsequent immunisations and booster doses ensures continued protection against these diseases. Additional vaccinations are offered at specific points throughout the child, young person, and adult’s life to provide protection against infections before they reach an age at which they become at increased risk from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Recommendations for the age at which vaccines should be administered are therefore informed by the age-specific risk for a disease, the risk of disease complications and the ability to respond to the vaccine. The recommended immunisation schedule should therefore be followed as closely as possible. Health Care professionals employed by Derbyshire Community Services Foundation Trust (DCHSFT) have a responsibility to promote the benefits of immunisation in a consistent, clear and evidence based way to parents, carers, and young people. The overarching aim of the policy is to therefore support practitioners to fulfil the requirements of their commissioned role in delivering the national universal childhood immunisation programme, alongside any targeted immunisation schedules safely and competently.

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L296 - My Bronchiectasis Action Plan.pdf

Patient leaflet for self management of Bronchiectasis. 'This action plan may help me to manage my respiratory condition/s by separating my symptoms into green, amber and red sections,