Message from Julie Houlder and Tracy Allen, on behalf of the DCHS Trust Board: Ongoing social unrest
My Download - 18 January 2022
Apologies for missing last week - we are very depleted in numbers in Comms and had to make some difficult decisions about priorities - last week media enquiries, the web, Operational Update and Team Brief made the list! Lots to share this week .... including how to access the new web, details about the mileage consultation, an update on the Belper plans and so much more!
Nursing services
Meet Barbara: Derbyshire’s oldest working nurse?
Administration of Insulin Injection Policy and Standard Operating Procedure (P4)
There are a growing number of people who, because of disability, increasing age or infirmity, are unable to administer their own insulin and will need support. This guideline aims to promote standardisation and safety of insulin administration within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS NHS FT). This document aligns with the Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings (Royal Pharmaceutical Society 2019). Patient centred care based upon different ways of working underpins this policy and procedure as identified within the NHS Plan (DH 2000), the NSF for Older People (DH 2001), Making a Difference (DH 2001) and the NSF for Diabetes (DH 2002). UK Injection technique Recommendations have been considered alongside the need to consider safer sharps for staff (Forum for Injection Technique 2016). Underpinning the guidance are the most recent NICE and Derbyshire guidance for the management of diabetes (Joint Area Prescribing Committee 2018 NICE 2015) and National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA), ‘Risk of severe harm and death due to withdrawing insulin from pen devices,’ 16 November 2016.
Clinical Record Keeping Policy and Standards (P6)
This policy aims to ensure that the clinical records made by staff are fit for purpose and of a quality that provide for objective, accurate, current and comprehensive information that supports and enables the best clinical care and treatment for the patient/client. This policy has incorporated a range of best practice and related legislative requirements to outline the organisations expectations for clinical record keeping standards, both on paper and electronically. The policy provides support to the organisation in meeting its statutory and legal obligations as laid down by the Records Management: NHS Code of Practice 2016; Data Protection Act 1998 section 7, General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and relevant professional bodies. The policy also identifies the standards expected of all registered and non-registered staff. It sets a minimum standard, which will be applicable to all patient settings, including community clinics and inpatient areas. This policy does not replace standards set by professional organisations, but is complementary to them and should be used in conjunction with them.
Missing Patient Procedure Including Section 18 Absent without Leave Guidance (S23)
This procedure has been developed to inform hospital staff what action to take when a detained patient is absent without leave from the hospital where they are liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Guidance when an informal patient’s whereabouts is unknown and this includes patients that may be missing from other in-patient areas. The procedure aims to provide a consistent and easy to follow approach thus supporting the staff and protecting some of our most at risk and vulnerable patients.
Learning from Death’s Policy (P72)
This policy confirms the process to ensure a multi-disciplinary, consistent and coordinated approach for the review of deaths that occur in all DCHS in-patient and community team caseloads. The aim of the learning from deaths process is to identify any areas of practice both specific to the individual case and beyond that could potentially be improved, based upon peer group review. Areas of good practice are also identified and supported. To describe in detail the three-stage mortality review process within the Trust, detailing how reviews should be completed, by whom and when to ensure that learning from deaths is made a Trust priority and leads to developments and improvements in patient care.
DCHS_Supervision online record system User Guide V2
DCHS Clinical supervision (reflection on practice) online system guide; includes information on how to access the site, navigate, and record supervision sessions.
RipleyButterleyWardMovingBack Press Release FINAL11.3.22
Ripley Butterley Ward Moving Back Press Release - plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.
Guidance for Care of Next Infant (CONI) (G212)
This guidance is to support CONI coordinators, health visitors and clinical leads in their organisation and delivery of the CONI scheme to families in Derbyshire.
The Management of Warfarin Therapy for Inpatients Guidelines (G233)
The aim of this guideline is to improve the safety of anticoagulant therapy for inpatients under the care of DCHS by: • Providing an evidence-based algorithm for the initiation of warfarin therapy in atrial fibrillation, including the use of a specific SystmOne template for warfarin management. • Offering an evidence-based algorithm to guide maintenance dosing decisions. • Clarifying the process for communicating follow-up arrangements to primary care teams when a patient is discharged from hospital. • Endorsing the level of competence and training required of clinicians who prescribe warfarin. • Ensuring that the guidance will be built into an audit and review cycle.
Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men (L270)
L270 - Post micturition dribble or after dribble - A common problem in men. Patient information leaflet that summarizes, some common; symptoms, causes, tips and support available.
Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP&C Policy)
Section 5.28 COVID-19 (IP& C Policy) v2 (September 2022). With links. The aim of this document is to provide operational guidance to staff in particular in relation to COVID-19.