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DCHS physiotherapist shares her experience of volunteering in a disaster zone
Compression Hosiery Formulary Guideline (G214)
The aim of this document is to help health care practitioners to make an informed decision with the patient when managing limb conditions
Payslip guide
DCHS payslip guide October 2022
Mobile Working Guide Therapy Run Through.pdf
A guide for Therapy staff to use Mobile Working
Disclosure Ref 2022123 - SIM cards & mobile networks.pdf
Response to FOI regarding Sims and Mobile phones used and providers
Patient (or carer) Initiated Follow-up SOP Dementia Palliative Care Service (S132)
Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) describes when a patient (or their carer) can initiate their follow-up visit as and when required, e.g., when symptoms or circumstances change. This SOP defines the process, roles, and responsibilities for the following: • Identifying which patients PIFU is right for • Moving a patient onto a PIFU pathway • Booking visits which have been initiated by a patient or carer • Managing patients who do not initiate a review/home visit within the PIFU timescale • Discharging or booking reviews at the end of that patient’s PIFU timescale • Monitoring compliance Dementia Palliative Care Service are in the process of piloting a PIFU process for 12 months. The pilot will be reviewed every 3 months with a final review post 12 months.
HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy
HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.
Rapid Tranquilisation Guidelines (G52)
The aim of this guidance is to support practitioner’s decision making, when using medication by the parenteral route, when the use of oral medication is not possible or appropriate and urgent sedation with medication is required. NICE Guidance NG10 (2015)
Development, Approval, Implementation and Review of Patient Group Directions (PGDS) Policy (P5)
The purpose of this policy is to set out a generic framework for a co-ordinated approach to the development and control of PGDs in use in Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) Trust. The policy contains a standard template for all locally developed PGDs. Using the framework and template should ensure that PGDs comply with the legislation and are reviewed and updated every 3 years or in response to updated guidance, stock availability, safety alerts or best practice.
Medical Devices Training for Integrated Sexual Health Service (S67)
The purpose of this SOP is to provide the means of ensuring that all staff have the appropriate training on the relevant medical devices within Integrated Sexual Health Services. The training will assist to reduce the risk of new adverse incidents involving medical devices, reducing the risk of harm to patients, staff, relatives, carers and visitors caused by medical devices; support patients and staff to made individual decisions about the risks of using medical devices and outline a standardised approach to the training in the use of medical devices within Integrated Sexual Health Services.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Resuscitation Training Policy (P41)
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) has a uniform and systematic approach to basic life support and a workforce that is competent in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, thereby improving patient outcomes following cardiac arrest.