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Finance and Procurement System Changes

The Trust’s current contract for the provision of financial services (i.e. finance and procurement) from NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) is coming to an end on 31 March 2022. 

Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service

The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.

About Airmid

Airmid is a Patient App which allows you to view and cancel appointments at any time (rebooking is coming soon).

DCHS Clinical IT Systems - User Experience Survey 2022

Are you a user of TPP SystmOne or Inform clinical systems? We’d like to know how it’s working for you and how we might be able to improve it.

Butterley Ward is back at Ripley Hospital

Plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.

Speech and language therapy service

Our therapists, practitioners, assistants and admin support workers work together to deliver high quality services for adults and children who have speech, language and communication difficulties; eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). We work with adults and children, throughout Derbyshire and Derby City. More specifically: Derby City and Derbyshire County - Adults and Derby City and the southern half of Derbyshire County - Children.


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Disclosure Ref 2024191 - Urgent Treatment Centre ophthalmology (eye care) services.pdf

Disclosure Ref 2024191 relating to Urgent Treatment Centre ophthalmology (eye care) services

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Disclosure Ref 202522 - Deaths recorded in 2023 where vaping was a cause .pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding the number of deaths recorded at your trust in the year 2023 where vaping was a cause or contributor

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HRP03 Personal Leave (Special Leave) Policy

HRP03 Personal Leave Policy - formerly DCHS Special Leave Policy. Updated May 2022 Name changed to Personal Leave Policy, includes Compassionate leave scenarios, including loss of baby during pregnancy; Reserve/Cadet Forces Leave; Spouses and Long-Term Partners of Armed Forces Personnel and Military Spousal Leave and Leave for volunteering purposes.

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Dysphagia Management Guidelines for Adults with neurological disorders in community - Derbyshire and Derby City (G3)

These guidelines set out the process of Dysphagia management used by the Speech and Language Therapy Department in the community in Derbyshire and Derby City. The overall aim of our Dysphagia Service is to ensure that individuals are identified and enabled to eat / drink / take medication safely and comfortably. The guidelines aim to provide a highly specialised and holistic service to individuals with complex forms of Dysphagia using the latest evidence based assessments, treatments and Dysphagia management policies. We aim to improve dysphagia related health outcomes and individuals quality of life, and employ effective risk management strategies for preventing harm and improving individual’s health outcomes.

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L157 - Pulmonary Exercise Programme Warm Up

L157 - Pulmonary Exercise Programme Warm Up. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.

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Guidelines for the use of bladder scanner in children`s services (G188)

To provide safe research based information in order to assess bladder function using ultrasound on children and young people under the age of 19 years.

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ICS Wound Clinic Video Consultation SOP (S82)

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) aims to outline the purpose and process for offering a video consultation service to patients referred to the DCHS Wound Clinics. This SOP outlines the patient selection criteria, referral process, follow up process, DNA process and will provide support to staff in delivering care to patients via video consultation.

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Clinical Supervision and Reflection on Clinical Practice Policy (P45)

Clinical Supervision (sometimes known as Reflective Practice or Reflection on Practice) has been defined as a regular protected time for facilitated, in depth reflection on clinical practice. It aims to enable the supervisee to achieve, sustain and creatively develop a high quality of practice through the means of focused support and development (Bond and Holland1998). Clinical Supervision is a structured, formal process through which staff can continually improve their clinical practice, develop professional skills, recognise good practice, maintain and safeguard standards of practice. Clinical Supervision can be conducted in groups or on a one-to-one basis. For group supervision the recommended size of the group is around four. Research suggests that to achieve quality and effective reflection and deep learning Clinical Supervisees should receive supervision from a supervisor who is not their manager (see “What Clinical Supervision is and is Not” DCHS Clinical Supervision Webpage.) The aim of this policy is to provide guidance to support managers wishing to set up or update existing systems of Clinical Supervision /Reflection on Practice and provide staff with information on how they can access clinical supervision/reflection on practice.

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Standard Operating Procedures for The Community Diabetes Specialist Nursing Team (S86)

Recommended practices that were evidence based and would provide guidance to all members of staff treating patients with Diabetes. This SOP should help to streamline care for patients with Diabetes and allow further integration with the acute team.

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Clinical Handover Guidelines (G238)

The purpose of a clinical handover is to ensure continuity of information vital to the safety of our patients. The need for effective handover processes has been repeatedly highlighted by NHS improvement. The effective transfer of information ensures the protection of patients and minimises clinical risk. Continuity of information underpins all aspects of a seamless service providing continuity of patient care and patient’s safety These guidelines aim to: • Explain the purpose of clinical handover • Provide a uniform approach to clinical handover • Set out the standards for clinical handover which must be delivered by individual clinicians and clinical teams in DCHS