The healing power of art – an exhibition to get people talking about mental health
DCHS inclusion conference 2023
Ward Decoration Guidelines
Staff networks for equality diversity and inclusion
The LGBT+ staff network, BAME staff network, disability and long term conditions DLTC staff network and armed forces staff network
Bridging the healthcare access gap for people with disabilities
A NEW initiative to encourage more healthcare and/or non-clinical staff to take up sign language as an extra language and skill, is now available locally.
World AIDS Day reminds us of importance of early testing
Quality Conversations Training
IT equipment amnesty - we need your help please!
IT equipment amnesty - we need your help please!
Freedom to speak up policy - EIA form
Freedom to speak up policy - EIA form
Staff Forum OverviewActions October 2021.pdf
temporary staffing E-rostering - sending shifts to bank.pdf
Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19
Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19
A4 - Monitoring and Audit (P10)
Back to Basics – Uniform (L344)
Clinical Effectiveness Policy (P85)
The purpose of this policy is to set out the rationale for clinical audit and provide a framework for such activity, including standards, guidance and procedures, as well as details of the support available from the Clinical Effectiveness Team: • For registering and approving clinical audit project proposals • For developing and designing clinical audit projects • To ensure clinical audit leads to improvement when a need for improvement is identified This policy aims to support a culture of best practice in the management and delivery of clinical audit, to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all staff involved, and to promote a culture of quality improvement in our services.
SOP for the Post COVID 19 Syndrome Clinic (S85)
This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services in order to deliver a review, triage and onward referral service for people with Post Covid 19 Syndrome symptoms.
Section 117 (after-care policy): Joint Policy and Practice Guidance for After-care under S.117 Mental Health Act 1983 (P13)
The purpose of this document is to outline the key information required to provide effective after-care services that reduce the risk of further admissions to inpatient, neurodivergence, or mental health settings, and to ensure that service providers from health, social care, and often the Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise sectors are aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities. This policy exists to ensure that local interpretation of s.117 is lawful, and in line with the practice identified in the associated Mental Health Act Code of Practice (“CoP”) and any legislative amendments.
Transcribing Medicines including Insulin for Patients in their Own Homes (Including Care Homes) and within the Short Breaks Service SOP (S29)
This procedure sets out how to record medicine administration, which will make use of transcribing as detailed in the above document.