23rd September 2024

From Monday 7 October DCHS is going live with a new system to automatically manage Network and NHSmail accounts for staff.

This is great news for people managers as they will no longer need to log a call with AGEM to request new accounts; instead, the accounts will be created automatically and be ready for the new starter’s first day at work. All managers (or supporting admin staff if they are responsible for administering the staff member on ESR) will automatically receive an email with the login details and NHSmail information for the new starter before their start date. Accounts will also be automatically closed when staff leave DCHS, so managers or admin colleagues don’t need to remember to do this.

In summary the new system will automatically:

  • Create network and NHSmail accounts for new starters (or transfer their NHSmail account to DCHS if they already have one).
  • Disable network accounts and mark NHSmail accounts as a ‘leaver’ when staff leave DCHS.
  • Amend NHSmail and network accounts if a member of staff changes their name (the member of staff will receive an email to confirm this before the change takes place).

What you need to do:

  • Do not request any network (district) and NHSmail accounts from AGEM after 7 October as this may lead to duplicates being created.
  • Any requests for IT hardware such as laptops should still be requested through AGEM using Halo, as they are now.
  • Network and NHSmail accounts will still need to be requested through AGEM for anyone who is not entered onto ESR – e.g. students.
  • ESR must be updated with the start date (through the recruitment team) and managers must enter the termination date as soon as these are known to ensure accounts can be managed in a timely manner.

For any questions, please contact: hannah.fletcher9@nhs.net.