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DCHS Clinical IT Systems - User Experience Survey 2022

Are you a user of TPP SystmOne or Inform clinical systems? We’d like to know how it’s working for you and how we might be able to improve it.


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L76 - Integrated Community Team

L76 - Integrated Community Team Leaflet.

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Be Tear Aware Pathway (G190)

G190 - Be Tear Aware Pathway

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Informal Carers administration of PRN subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care Guidelines for DCHS staff (G184)

A small number of dying patients’ relatives request permission to administer subcutaneous medication at home to enable symptom control. UK statutory law supports this practice within a safe governance structure. To support this in practice “The Derbyshire policy for Informal Carers Administration of an as required subcutaneous injection in Community Palliative care” has been developed and underpins these guidelines for Derbyshire Community Health Service (DCHS) staff.

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Recognition of Patient Deterioration (Adults) Policy (P83)

The aim of this policy is to set the minimum standard and frequency for monitoring and recording adult patients’ vital signs in their own home, Minor Injuries Units, outpatient podiatric surgery and community hospital wards. The mismanagement of deterioration is a common area of systemic failure in avoidable patient death across the NHS (NHS Improvement, 2016, Hogan et al, 2012) and poor communication is a leading cause of adverse events in healthcare. The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) offers a common language to describe and communicate a patient’s acute illness severity by all healthcare professionals in all settings and is central to establishing a national pathway for improving the management of deterioration and sepsis (Inada-Kim and Nsutebu, 2018). This policy aims to increase survival among acutely unwell and deteriorating patients

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DCHS - what happens if I make a complaint?

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Advice for Patients Who are Self Isolating.pdf

DCHS Advice for patients who are self isolating

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Appendix B - Mandatory Vaccination Record of Discussion Form.docx

Appendix B - Mandatory Vaccination Record of Discussion Form

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Compassionate Conversations v10.pdf

Holding compassionate conversations with colleagues who are hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine

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Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

DCHS Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) - includes advice for staff who need specific help.

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Appendix 8 - Guidance for healthcare professionals reviewing and updating the PGD (P5)

Appendix 8 - Guidance for healthcare professionals reviewing and updating the PGD (P5)