5th August 2024

Message from Julie Houlder and Tracy Allen, on behalf of the DCHS Trust Board: Ongoing social unrest

Many colleagues will have seen the deplorable violence, intimidation and thuggery which has taken place in various towns and cities over the weekend. These malicious and deliberate acts are unequivocally condemned by everyone at DCHS. We want to make it plain to everyone that we will not accept any sort of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour towards anyone at DCHS. People have a right to come to work or come in for treatment without experiencing any form of abuse or discrimination, and our zero-tolerance stance has the full support of Derbyshire Police who are doing all they can to combat hate crime in communities.

We pride ourselves on creating a culture of belonging and improving our awareness and appreciation of equality, diversity, and inclusion. And we’re proud that people from nearly 200 countries work in the NHS today. We’re aware that many colleagues seeing this flare-up of racism will leave them feeling afraid and unwelcome, and to those colleagues our message is simple: you are welcome, you are a valued member of our community, and that community should look after you.

We're one team and stronger together, so please let's all look out for each other and remember to report any incidents immediately through the usual channels. You can also reach out to our excellent Resolve staff support service if you require further support.