Baby Loss Awareness Week
DCHS proud to be Veteran Aware accredited
DCHS physiotherapist shares her experience of volunteering in a disaster zone
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Learning from Death’s Policy (P72)
This policy confirms the process to ensure a multi-disciplinary, consistent and coordinated approach for the review of deaths that occur in all DCHS in-patient and community team caseloads. The aim of the learning from deaths process is to identify any areas of practice both specific to the individual case and beyond that could potentially be improved, based upon peer group review. Areas of good practice are also identified and supported. To describe in detail the three-stage mortality review process within the Trust, detailing how reviews should be completed, by whom and when to ensure that learning from deaths is made a Trust priority and leads to developments and improvements in patient care.
L226 – “Working Together” Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Information Leaflet
Patient information leaflet about PPI, Patient and Public Involvement.
Tier 3 Weight Management A4 patient information NS.pdf
Tier 3 Weight Management patient information leaflet
Declaration - Staff Nursing.pdf
Staff Nursing Declaration
Outpatient physio FAQs Jan 2022.pdf
DCHS outpatient physio FAQs Jan 2022
Patient Guidance for Video Consultations.pdf
Patient Video Consultation – Joining a call
A6 – Audit template - Transfusion activity (P25)
Audit template - Transfusion activity (P25)
SOP 4 Procedure for decontaminating instruments at the end of the day (P16)
SOP 4 Procedure for decontaminating instruments at the end of the day (P16)
L176 - Care Co-ordinators in South Derbyshire
L176 - Care Co-ordinators in South Derbyshire