Wellbeing support across Joined Up Care Derbyshire - New Spring activity timetable for 2023 is here!
General Discussion
Aliquam vitae sollicitudin purus. Aliquam ullamcorper scelerisque velit in porttitor. Nullam pulvinar maximus nunc, nec finibus massa molestie at. Nulla ut enim vel enim molestie hendrerit at in dui. Sed tincidunt sapien dui, sed elementum felis convallis at. Ut vitae consectetur sapien. Cras faucibus sem nec risus sagittis, in dignissim nisi laoreet.
My Download - November 8 2021
Weekly all DCHS staff e-newsletter
APPENDIX 16 - Invite to Disciplinary Hearing - Panel.docx
A4d - ST Community Toolkits_05 Age 16+
Homely Remedies SOP (S16)
Under normal circumstances, medicines should be administered either on the written prescription of an authorised prescriber, in accordance with the Medicines Code or under the authority of a Patient Group Direction. The Medication Optimisation Safety Team (MOST) has approved a list of non-prescription medicines or “homely remedies” that registered nurses and registered practitioners are authorised to administer at their own discretion, in accordance with the attached standard operating procedure, for a maximum of 48 hours (extended to 72 hours over a bank holiday weekend). The homely remedies approved are treatments commonly available over the counter for minor, short-term conditions without the need for a prescription or Patient Group Direction.
HV Core Contact Was Not Brought Letter 2.doc
Tailors Bunion 5th Metatarsal Scarf (L30)
Tailors Bunion Bunionette deformity - 5th Metatarsal Scarf Osteotomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.