My Download - 18 January 2022
Apologies for missing last week - we are very depleted in numbers in Comms and had to make some difficult decisions about priorities - last week media enquiries, the web, Operational Update and Team Brief made the list! Lots to share this week .... including how to access the new web, details about the mileage consultation, an update on the Belper plans and so much more!
DCHS reservist’s role in Coronation celebrations
Nursing services
RA Photograph criteria.pdf
Criteria for staff ID badge or smartcard photograph
Walton Hospital Bus Options
Walton Hospital Bus Options
Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring (A1 - S48)
Fridge and Room Temperature Monitoring
L272 - Best Interest Document 2/3: What is important to you?
L272 - Best Interest Document 2/3: What is important to you? This booklet covers: • Some things about the Mental Capacity Act • What a best interest decision means
Audit Tool (P6).docx
Audit Tool (P6)
Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Kessel Bonney Procedure (L11)
Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Kessel Bonney Procedure. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Dementia Virtual Tour Nov 2022.pdf
Dementia virtual tour training
L313 - Anticipatory Medicines and Syringe Drivers (Inpatients) Leaflet
L313 - Anticipatory Medicines and Syringe Drivers (Inpatients) Leaflet
Guidance for E-referrals via S1 to the Tissue Viability Service (G327)
Guidance for E-referrals via S1 to the Tissue Viability Service
APPENDIX 11a - Issues which require further investigation (unrelated to this case).docx
HRP APPENDIX 11a - Issues which require further investigation (unrelated to this case)