Tier 3 Weight Management FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about Tier 3 Weight Management for the people of Derby and Derbyshire
Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
Patient Group Directions - PGDs provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer a specified medicine(s) to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber.
Urgent treatment centres
Our four Derbyshire UTCs, Ilkeston Hospital, Ripley Hospital, Buxton Hospital and Whitworth Hospital
Mortons Neuroma Care Pathway (G76)
G76 - Mortons Neuroma Care Pathway
TPP074-0065 - MH Notification Of Cessation MH Detention Treatment Plan
TPP074-0065 - Notification Of Cessation of Detention Treatment from a section under the Mental Health Act 1983
L23 - Information about your steroid injection
Patient information leaflet about your steroid injection.
DCHS WDES Data Report 2020-2021.pdf
DCHS WDES Data Report 2020-2021
Request for community podiatry assessment
DCHS Request-for-podiatry-assessment-aug-2022
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers June19.docx
DSE Minimum Specifications Guidance for Managers
DCHS_Supervision online record system User Guide V2
DCHS Clinical supervision (reflection on practice) online system guide; includes information on how to access the site, navigate, and record supervision sessions.
Appendix 6 - PGD Template Adult (P5)
Appendix 6 - PGD Template Adult (P5)
DCHS Intravenous Therapymedication Administration Competency
Intravenous Therapymedication Administration Competency
Macerator breakdown IP and C guidance (G276)
G276 - Macerator breakdown IP&C guidance (Section 8.2)