Tier 3 Weight Management - Information for Professionals

The information here is for professionals working with the Tier 3 Weight Management service.

You can refer patients who:

  • Have a BMI of 50 or above
  • Have a BMI of 35 – 49 with comorbidities (see referral form in resources section for details of comorbidities). Patients should have completed a Tier 2 weight management intervention. 

All patients who are referred must be willing and able to take on lifestyle change to lose weight. 

For patients who do not meet our criteria, Live Life Better Derbyshire (Derbyshire residents) and LiveWell (Derby City residents) offer Tier 2 weight management services. This is for people with a BMI of 25 or above.

Referral Process 

Referrals into the service can be made by:

  • GP's.
  • Practice nurses.
  • Clinical pharmacists.
  • Specialist physicians.

Referrals from physicians must be copied to the patient’s GP. The GP should be asked to send a list of medications and comorbidities to the Tier 3 service. 

To begin the referral process please download and fill in the referral form. Please send it by email to dchst.swm@nhs.net or to our postal address. Our referral form is also on Pathfinder. 

What happens next? 

After referral, patients will be invited to opt into our service. If they opt-in, they will be offered an assessment appointment at one of our clinics. Follow-up appointments can then be arranged. We will update you about the development of individual patients. This is based on our assessment process and their progress over time.