Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service
The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.
Derbyshire health and care system remains under sustained pressure; patients asked to not store up care needs
Community podiatry - Managing your condition at home
Helpful tips for patients, carers and clinicians to help people with self care
Homely Remedies SOP (S16)
Under normal circumstances, medicines should be administered either on the written prescription of an authorised prescriber, in accordance with the Medicines Code or under the authority of a Patient Group Direction. The Medication Optimisation Safety Team (MOST) has approved a list of non-prescription medicines or “homely remedies” that registered nurses and registered practitioners are authorised to administer at their own discretion, in accordance with the attached standard operating procedure, for a maximum of 48 hours (extended to 72 hours over a bank holiday weekend). The homely remedies approved are treatments commonly available over the counter for minor, short-term conditions without the need for a prescription or Patient Group Direction.
GD41 Managers Guide to Pay and Pay Step Progression.docx
DCHS QI Tools- SWOT.pptx
L226 – “Working Together” Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Information Leaflet
Patient information leaflet about PPI, Patient and Public Involvement.
HV Core Contact Was Not Brought Letter 1.doc
Quality Business Committee ToR November 2022
QBC Terms of Reference November 2022