Have you got an NHS workforce story to tell?
Improvement, Innovation and Effectiveness
Supporting colleagues to keep DCHS an outstanding place to work and recive care.
A BIG conversation is about to begin… and you’re invited.
Join a generational first big conversation to shape how to improve your wellbeing working in the NHS.
Diabetes Education Service
Understanding your Type 2 diabetes is important so you can learn how to control it and have the best quality of life possible.
New Bump in the Road campaign and podcast series to support new parents in Derbyshire
Dr Chris Clayton appointed as Chief Executive Designate JUCD
The appointment of Dr Chris Clayton as Chief Executive Designate of the NHS Integrated Care Board for Derby and Derbyshire.
A2f – ADASS Guidance to the DoLS Forms (P35)
A2f – ADASS Guidance to the DoLS Forms (P35)
Disclosure Ref 202412 - Divisional directors Specified Specialties.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202412 - Divisional directors Specified Specialties
Disclosure Ref 2024158 - Robotic Process Automation.pdf
Freedom of Information disclosure regarding Robotic Process Automation
RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home (P4)
RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home
Employee_Record_Summary_Template Additonal Guidance Jan 2025.docx
Additional guidance to assist with completing a summary sheet for employee records
HRP22 Preceptorship Policy.docx
DCHS Preceptorship (Multi-Professional) & Transitionary Policy
TPP544-0037 - Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment
L167 - North Derbyshire Community Respiratory Team Patient Information Leaflet
North Derbyshire Community Respiratory Team - Patient Information Leaflet
Drug Fridge and Freezer Temperature Monitoring Procedure (S48)
A clear standard procedure to assist and enable ward/unit staff to comply with the Medicines Code requirement to routinely monitor, record and act on drug fridge and freezer temperatures thus ensuring that patients receive effective, correctly stored refrigerated products.
Temperature Monitoring of Medicines Storage Rooms SOP (S74)
Aim of SOP; to reduce risk to patient safety by monitoring exposure of medicines to high temperatures. DCHS accepts that the storage of medicines may exceed 25°C in exceptionally hot weather. However, all staff must follow the actions outlined in this SOP to reduce this risk.