My Download - 1 November 2021
Weekly all DCHS staff e-newsletter
New ultrasound service at North Derbyshire’s Community Diagnostic Centre
Are you interested in a career in community nursing?
Progress on Belper’s new health centre development – November 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vulputate arcu ut turpis commodo pulvinar. Donec a dolor turpis. Aenean in lobortis risus. Vivamus sagittis pulvinar nunc vitae fringilla. Nulla aliquam et augue a posuere. Praesent in cursus felis. In ac odio pharetra massa aliquam varius pharetra sed nulla. Mauris volutpat hendrerit velit eu dignissim. Donec at velit non mauris auctor placerat sit amet ac metus. Aliquam auctor urna in posuere faucibus. Fusce non aliquet est. Fusce nibh felis, sagittis a risus ut, placerat tristique magna.
0052 - Patient Referral Form for Admission to OPMH Services
0052 - Patient Referral Form for Admission to OPMH Services
SOP for IV Administration of Diuretics to Heart Failure Patients in DCHS North Community Hospitals and CRH Same Day ECU (S89)
The Aim of this SOP is to provide heart failure patients across Derbyshire access to IV drug treatments without the need for attendance at an acute hospital
Hallux-Abducto Valgus Care Pathway (G75)
G75 - Hallux-Abducto Valgus Care Pathway
0102 - Non Motor Symptoms Questionnaire
0102 - Parkinsons Non Motor Symptoms Assessment tool
Derbyshire Symptom Management Guidance for last days of life (G2)
G2 - Derbyshire Symptom Management Guidance for last days of life
A Community Staff Guide to Pressure Ulcer Prevention (G90)
The aim of this guide is to bring all pressure ulcer prevention resources to one place, to assist clinicians in preventing the development of avoidable pressure ulcers and to effectively manage pressure ulcers.
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
Appendix 6 – SBAR Structured Communication Tool (P83)
AGP inpatient Respiratory action card physiotherapy 01.05.2020.docx
AGP inpatient respiratory physiotherapy action card
6-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - SHOULDER.pdf
MSK Making Tool thinking about a referral - Shoulder
Appendix 11 - Adult Safeguarding Supervision Non-Case Discussion One to One - Group (P15)
Appendix 11 - Adult Safeguarding Supervision Non-Case Discussion One to One - Group (P15)