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Open event spotlights Walton Hospital’s upcoming diagnostic service
Derbyshire Health and Care System Continues to Declare Critical Incident
October has been AAC Awareness Month
Health Psychology FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about health psychology for the people of Derby and Derbyshire
0207 - Specific Outcomes for Assessment and Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
0207 - Specific Outcomes for Assessment and Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
0504 - Community Hospital Progress Evaluation
0504 - Community Hospital Progress Evaluation
1038 - Environment Risk Assessment for Patient Handling Activity
1038 - Environment Risk Assessment for Patient Handling Activity
1187 - Enhanced Observation Competency Check List
1187 - Enhanced Observation Competency Check List
L268 - Use of steroid ointments and creams in the treatment of varicose eczema - Information for patients with venous leg ulcers
L268 - Use of steroid ointments and creams in the treatment of varicose eczema - Patient Information Leaflet for patients with venous leg ulcers.
Tranexamic acid use in the Treatment of Malignant_Fungating Wounds (G194)
Tranexamic acid use in the Treatment of Malignant Fungating Wounds
Identification and Treatment of Different Types of Moisture Lesions (G179)
A moisture lesion is most commonly associated with either incontinence or sweating between skin folds. If left untreated then skin is more at risk of pressure ulcer development. It is important to establish the cause of the moisture lesion in order to treat it correctly.
The Derbyshire Policy for Informal Carers-Administration of as Required Subcutaneous Injections in Community Palliative Care
The Derbyshire Policy for Informal Carers-Administration of as Required Subcutaneous Injections in Community Palliative Care
Save the Date DRAFT v1 - for use.pdf
IIE Showcase 2022 - save the date
DCHS FINAL- Response Rate Breakdown by Department - Team Report.xlsx
2021 final response rate results by department and team