16th March 2023

Executive Leader - Personal Development & Leadership Training 

The Army’s greatest assets are not its tanks or missiles, but its people. The quality of its personnel gives the British Army its critical edge, enabling consistent success on military operations and on a wide range of demanding tasks. At the heart of this is effective leadership at every level. The programme aims to provide delegates with the skills needed to be a successful leader; through a mix of theoretical exercises and practical challenges, delegates will be taught how to apply the Army Leadership Code to everyday situations.

This course is for established managers at lower and middle tiers looking to brush up on a few new approaches to bring results to their methods.  

The learning outcomes include: 

  • Be a more confident manager
  • Apply a values based approach to leadership
  • Discover how different industries approach leadership
  • Understand the importance of teamwork and communication
  • Learn what qualities make a good leader
  • Identify your strengths as a leader and how you can build on them. 

It is not physically demanding but the practical exercises are outdoors and require teamwork. Consider dressing for outdoor activities. 

Not suitable for the pregnant due to very minor risk of a fall from a low height. 

The course is delivered by East Midlands Universities Officer Training Corps, at Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell, Nottingham NG9 6GX, on Wednesday 24th May 2023, 0830 – 1630 hrs.

There are no attendance costs; lunch and refreshments are provided.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To express your interest and reserve a place, please email dchst.leadingforimprovement@nhs.net