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Podiatry Service Wound Care Health Care Assistant (HCA) Protocol (S114)

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the delegation of podiatry care to a Wound Care HCA.

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Employee Record Summary Template - Feb 2024

An employee record summary template

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A6 – Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care (S107)

Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care

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Patient (or carer) Initiated Follow-up SOP Dementia Palliative Care Service (S132)

Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) describes when a patient (or their carer) can initiate their follow-up visit as and when required, e.g., when symptoms or circumstances change. This SOP defines the process, roles, and responsibilities for the following: • Identifying which patients PIFU is right for • Moving a patient onto a PIFU pathway • Booking visits which have been initiated by a patient or carer • Managing patients who do not initiate a review/home visit within the PIFU timescale • Discharging or booking reviews at the end of that patient’s PIFU timescale • Monitoring compliance Dementia Palliative Care Service are in the process of piloting a PIFU process for 12 months. The pilot will be reviewed every 3 months with a final review post 12 months.

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SAMA Template 10 Tips in holding sensitive conversation

Template 10 Tips for Holding a Sensitive Conversation

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SAMA Template 25 Final review meeting part 2 invite

Template 25a Final Review Meeting Part 2 invite

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Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024

DCHS Tissue Viability Strategy 2021-2024

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Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP (S30)

S30 - Administration of Medicines in an Emergency Situation for Adults SOP

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SAMA Template 11 Wellbeing meeting invite

Template 11 Wellbeing Meeting Invite

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Template 26 SAMA Final review meeting record

Template 26 Final Review Meeting Record