Walton Hospital
Freedom to Speak Up (Raise a Concern)
New winter ward opens at Ilkeston Community Hospital
Tier 3 Weight Management Service Derbyshire
The Tier 3 Weight Management Service offers a weight management programme to support adults with severe and complex obesity to lose weight across Derby City and Derbyshire County.
Can you spare a day to cycle for healthy children and a healthy climate? - Ride for their lives 2022
Disclosure Ref 202481 - Nurse Referrals to Nursing Council.pdf
FOI Disclosure Ref 202481 - Nurse Referrals to Nursing Council
Ilkeston Community Hospital Bus Options
Ilkeston Community Hospital Bus Options
A6 - Changing Water in Balloon Gastrostomy Procedure (P48)
Changing Water in Balloon Gastrostomy Procedure
This policy details the procedures the Trust has adopted for dealing with applications for access to personal records held by Derbyshire Community Health Services, whether formal manual (for example, on paper) or computerised (such as within a clinical system) or information which could be classed as informal which may have been written within emails, text or recorded in Microsoft Teams, for example.
L230 - Welcome to North Derbyshire Pulmonary Rehabilitation
L230 - Welcome to North Derbyshire Pulmonary Rehabilitation leaflet
Tissue Viability and Prosthetic Joint Infection Trigger Tool Guidelines (G54)
This trigger tool has been developed as part of Derbyshire Community Health Services’ commitment to improve patient care and health outcomes through the delivery of evidence based best practice.
Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Kessel Bonney Procedure (L11)
Hallux Rigidus (Arthritic Big Toe Joint) Kessel Bonney Procedure. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Dementia Virtual Tour Nov 2022.pdf
Dementia virtual tour training
L314 - Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
Why has my GP or nurse referred me to Diabetes Education
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted
How to check if a Purchase Order is receipted