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L160 - Activity Cycling

Patient information leaflet briefly describing "Activity Cycling".

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Hyperkalaemia Assessment and Management in Community Settings Guidelines (G102)

These guidelines have been produced to support the safe and timely management of hyperkalaemia in primary and community care (National Patient Safety Alert: NHS/PSA/RE/2018/006).

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UTC Acute Wound Care Formulary (G99)

A comprehensive evidence‐based approach to acute wound management is an essential skill set for any Emergency Clinician or Urgent Care Practitioner and this adapted version of the DCHS wound care formulary has been devised to help facilitate this. The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) acute wound care formulary is designed to provide Clinicians with a comprehensive guide to wound dressing products and closure within this speciality. These products were originally selected using the Derbyshire Community Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines 2018 in version 1 and have been updated in conjunction with the updated version of this for 2022 and the East Midlands Tissue Viability Group

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Postural Care Guidelines for people with Complex Physical Disability (G182)

The purpose of this document is to guide good practice and standardise Postural Care for people aged 18 years and over who are registered with a North Derbyshire GP and to; • Deliver safe, person-centred, evidence- based and equitable service to people with complex physical and learning disabilities • Improve the health and well-being of people with learning disability and complex physical disability • Maintain and reduce risk of deterioration in health associated with complex physical disability • Clarify roles and responsibilities

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Clinical Supervision and Reflection on Clinical Practice Policy (P45)

Clinical Supervision (sometimes known as Reflective Practice or Reflection on Practice) has been defined as a regular protected time for facilitated, in depth reflection on clinical practice. It aims to enable the supervisee to achieve, sustain and creatively develop a high quality of practice through the means of focused support and development (Bond and Holland1998). Clinical Supervision is a structured, formal process through which staff can continually improve their clinical practice, develop professional skills, recognise good practice, maintain and safeguard standards of practice. Clinical Supervision can be conducted in groups or on a one-to-one basis. For group supervision the recommended size of the group is around four. Research suggests that to achieve quality and effective reflection and deep learning Clinical Supervisees should receive supervision from a supervisor who is not their manager (see “What Clinical Supervision is and is Not” DCHS Clinical Supervision Webpage.) The aim of this policy is to provide guidance to support managers wishing to set up or update existing systems of Clinical Supervision /Reflection on Practice and provide staff with information on how they can access clinical supervision/reflection on practice.

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DCHS WDES Improvement Action Plan 2021.pdf

DCHS WDES Improvement Action Plan 2021

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Keeping Everyone Safe.pdf

Keeping Everyone Safe

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Compression Hosiery Formulary Guideline (G214)

The aim of this document is to help health care practitioners to make an informed decision with the patient when managing limb conditions

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Asbestos Management Plan

Asbestos Management Plan, asbestos, ACM, Asbestos Management Group, asbestos survey, asbestos emergencies, asbestos incidents

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HRP53 eRostering Policy

HRP 53 eRostering policy. purpose of the Rostering Policy is to ensure that service users’ safety is the primary objective of all Trust rosters. The purpose of this policy is to ensure all rosters have the staffing level and skill mix required for the safe and appropriate care of service users, which is available at all times. v1 May 2022