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Non-Medical Prescribing Policy (P57)

This policy has been developed to support local implementation of non-medical prescribing in Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) to ensure all qualified Non-medical Prescribers (NMPs) and their managers are aware of their accountability and responsibility in relation to prescribing

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DCHS Safeguarding Supervision Policy (P15)

Safeguarding supervision is recognised by DCHS FT as an important element within clinical supervision and the safety culture. In addition to an individual’s knowledge, skills, experience and training, effective safeguarding practice relies on a professional’s curiosity and vigilance. Safeguarding supervision provides an opportunity to both sustain and foster these qualities and ensure staff are updated on current safeguarding issues, legislation and outcomes of recent Child Practice Reviews (CPR), Serious Incident Learning Reviews (SILR), Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR), and Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR). This policy covers both Adult and Children

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L156 - Reducing restrictive interventions (easy read)

Easy read patient information leaflet about reducing restrictive interventions and what these are. Produced by Hillside Assessment & Treatment Unit and Walton Unit - Older Peoples Mental Health services.

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DCHS WRES Improvement Action Plan 2021.pdf

DCHS WRES Improvement Action Plan 2021

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Quick_guide_to_donning_doffing_standard_PPE_health_and_social_care_poster__ (1).pdf

Quick guide to donning and doffing PPE

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L172 - North Derbyshire Specialist Learning Disability Service

North Derbyshire learning disability services patient information leaflet.

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SOP for Staff Notebooks and the Non-Use of Paper Diaries

Standard Operating Procedure for staff notebooks and non-use of paper diaries

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Bunion Silvers Bunionectomy (L27)

Bunion Silvers Bunionectomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.

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DCHS QI Tools- SWOT.pptx

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Completion of agency checks within the 0-19 Children’s Service Guidelines (G249)

The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that health visitors and school nurses clearly understand their roles and responsibilities when they are asked to complete an agency check. This includes ensuring that the relevant consent to share information has been obtained from parents/ those with parental responsibility for the child/ young person ( this should be obtained by social care). The guidance also clearly outlines the process for admin staff to follow to ensure that any requests are sent to the clinical teams and that in turn the clinical teams can respond in a timely manner.